The City of Emmetsburg has the opportunity to partner with a local property owner to apply for a $100,000 grant through the Community Catalyst Building Remediation Program, administered by the Iowa Economic Development Authority (IEDA). The program can help spur development in underutilized buildings by assisting with the redevelopment, rehabilitation, or deconstruction of buildings to stimulate economic growth or reinvestment in the community.

IEDA has set aside $1 million for 2021 Community Catalyst grants. 40% of funds will be awarded to cities with populations under 1,500. The maximum grant award is $100,000. Funds may be used for the rehabilitation of one commercial building per community or two adjacent buildings with same ownership. Deconstruction is allowed in dire situations or for safety reasons. Grant funds are distributed as a reimbursement of pre-approved project costs. Costs incurred before project commencement cannot be included as part of the grant reimbursement. A City must be the applicant and provide financial and/or in-kind resources. More program information and scoring criteria is available at

At this time, the City is accepting proposals from property owners that would like to be considered for this grant. If multiple proposals are received, the City will choose the project that is most catalytic and is most likely to be funded. The City will then submit a pre-application for this project to the Iowa Economic Development Authority. The City will also provide a local incentive and/or in-kind support for the project with an amount based on project size. The City’s contribution will be discussed with the property owner prior to submitting the grant.

If you are interested in this opportunity, please submit a 1-2 page proposal that includes:

  • Contact information
  • Building Address
  • A summary of your proposed project (design and building use)
  • How this will be catalytic and important to our downtown
    • Could include: creation of jobs, growth of new/existing business, development of new upper-story housing units, increased property value because of the project, improve the appearance of the district/community, involves complete rehab of a building, make use of largely underutilized (vacant) property, potential population growth, public/private sector investment, building is located in area central to the city’s economic development activities
  • Funding sources
  • Preliminary budget (estimated)

Return your completed proposal in by mail or email by Wednesday, January 6, 2021:

Attn: Gretchen Reichter
City of Emmetsburg
PO Box 417
Emmetsburg, IA 50536
[email protected]

If you have questions, please contact Gretchen Reichter, Emmetsburg Marketing & Retail Coordinator, at 712-415-1142.

Helpful information: