Final Public Notice – Impacts to Floodplains
Emmetsburg Municipal Utilities Wastewater Treatment Facility Project
Emmetsburg Municipal Utilities intends to seek financial assistance from USDA, Rural Utilities Service (RUS) for the Wastewater Treatment Facility Project. The proposed action consists of improvements to existing treatment facility control building, new pretreatment and operations building, new activated sludge and nutrient reduction process tanks, new sludge holding tank, new ultraviolet disinfection structure, new pretreatment, activated sludge, nutrient reduction, secondary clarification and disinfection process equipment, and site modifications to raise all critical structures and process equipment above the 100-year floodplain. The project is located at 4552 Burns Road, Emmetsburg, IA. RUS has assessed the environmental impacts of this proposal and determined that the location of the wastewater treatment facility will convert or effect a floodplain or critical action floodplain. In accordance with Executive Order 11988, Floodplain Management and USDA Departmental Regulation 9500-3, Land Use Policy, the Agency is notifying the interested public of this land conversion. It has been determined that there is no practicable alternative to avoiding this conversion or effect and that there is a significant need for the proposal.
A Preliminary Public Notice – Impacts to Floodplains, Emmetsburg Municipal Utilities Wastewater Treatment Facility was published on January 11th and January 18th, 2024. No comments were received in response to the notice.
For information regarding this notice, contact Cassie Marso Assistant Loan Specialist at 515-368-6029.