Emmetsburg Community-Wide Strategic Plan

The City of Emmetsburg, Emmetsburg Municipal Utilities (EMU), and the Emmetsburg Community School District (ECSD) are undertaking a strategic planning process to identify community priorities and organizational needs and develop a consensus-based vision for the community. Your input will help guide the city, municipal utility, and school to plan the overall goals and objectives for the future of Emmetsburg.

Community Vision

Emmetsburg, an active and forward-thinking community, is flourishing in 2027! Housing development, proactive infrastructure improvements, and community beautification efforts have revitalized the community. With its thriving businesses, appealing downtown, outstanding amenities, and quality educational and career opportunities, Emmetsburg is a dynamic destination for residents and visitors alike.

Strategic Priority Areas

To achieve the Vision, the Community-Wide Strategic Plan is organized around six major priorities in which the City and its implementation partners intend to focus over the coming years:

  1. Attracting & Retaining People
  2. Amenities
  3. Community Beautification
  4. Housing
  5. Infrastructure
  6. Business Development

Goals & Actions:

Priority Area: Amenities

Goal 1: Five Island Lake, its beaches, and trail are enhanced and being utilized by residents and visitors.

  • Improve beach with additional amenities
  • Install directional/way-finding signage throughout the community
  • Expand trails around the lake, county-wide, and downtown

Goal 2: Emmetsburg’s expanded parks and campgrounds are serving the needs of all residents and visitors.

  • Create/implement park improvement plan
  • Expand use of Five Island Campground
  • Explore viability and financial path of splash pad

Priority Area: Community Beautification

Goal 1: Emmetsburg’s downtown area, gateways and neighborhoods are visually pleasing with renovated and well-kept buildings, homes and properties.

  • Improve public areas downtown (i.e. Mural Park)
  • Undertake facade improvement project downtown
  • Encourage/reward private property cleanup
  • Review/improve/implement city code to ensure properties are well-maintained

Priority Area: Housing

Goal 1: New housing units that fit the needs of Emmetsburg are built in new areas, downtown upper stories, and in infill spaces throughout the community.

  • Conduct housing assessment to determine actual needs
  • Evaluate/adjust incentive programs ton encourage housing development that fits the need
  • Investigate need/feasibility of creating local housing nonprofit

Goal 2: Housing rehabilitation projects have improved the quality of existing homes in Emmetsburg.

  • Conduct windshield survey to assess rehab needs and potential infill lots
  • Develop/apply for programs to address rehab needs

Priority Area: Infrastructure

Goal 1: Homes and businesses in Emmetsburg have access to internet speeds that support their growing service needs.

  • Assess existing service to evaluate potential of existing provider improvements and/or new provider

Goal 2: City roadways and utility infrastructure are in good condition and continuously maintained.

  • Remain engaged with/coordinate with region’s Transportation Improvement Plan
  • Investigate/determine process for switching to roll-out garbage cans

Goal 3: By connecting and repairing sidewalks and trails, Emmetsburg is a safer, more walkable community.

  • Connect school and college by trail/sidewalk
  • Undertake efforts to become safer (more connected) community for walking/biking

Priority Area: Business Development

Goal 1: Retail, service and other small businesses and entrepreneurs are sustained and serving the needs of Emmetsburg’s residents and visitors.

  • Continue implementing small business retention and expansion program
  • Provide (or connect) technical assistance to small businesses
  • Engage in small business attraction efforts
  • Explore feasibility of becoming Main Street Iowa community

Goal 2: Emmetsburg has diverse opportunities for high-quality jobs at new and expanding industries.

  • Continue partnership with PACEDC to support large business and industry
  • Work to PACEDC to engage/prepare for business attraction
  • Create community synergy for new business creation

Priority Area: Attraction & Retention

Goal 1: Emmetsburg has launched programs and efforts to retain existing workers, engage local students in local opportunities, and attract new talent to the community.

  • Develop program to encourage existing workforce to consider living in Emmetsburg
  • Develop/promote programs that connect employers to students

Goal 2: A community brand and marketing plans are developed and implemented to attract and inform tourists, residents and development.

  • Undertake community branding effort
  • Develop/launch external marketing plan
  • Develop/launch internal marketing plan to keep residents/businesses informed