Mobile Food Pantry
Grace Baptist Church 2801 17th St, Emmetsburg, IA, United StatesMobile Food Pantry at Grace Church
Mobile Food Pantry at Grace Church
AA (Alcoholics Anonymous) meets at the Family Life Center at 711 Broadway every Thursday at 7:30PM.
Come to the library for a weekly toddler playdate. We will have toys set out for kids to play with while parents and caregivers get a chance to socialize. This […]
Pokémon Club meets at the Emmetsburg Public Library, Room 14, every Friday. The club's main focus will be learning and playing the Pokémon Trading Card game, but all Pokémon activities […]
The Lost Island Prairie Wetland Nature Center is hosting its annual Dad's Belgian Waffle Breakfast this Sunday, Oct. 15, from 8:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. at the VFW in Emmetsburg. […]
Join the children's librarian in Room 10 (Community Room), for a beloved storybook. Bring your preschool-aged children to the library for a half-hour of books, stories and crafts. No registration required. […]
The community is invited to play bingo with the Horizons Members at the Family Life Center every Monday at 1:30 PM.
The Emmetsburg Public Library will offer “Afterschool Homework Help” from 3:45 – 5:00 pm. A member of the library staff will be available to help children with their assigned work […]
Bingo is held at the VFW. Doors open at 5:00 with a light meal followed by early bird Bingo at 6:30P. Regular Bingo begins at 7:00P.
Popcorn-Time Movie Emmetsburg Public Library, Room 17 Join us for a movie and popcorn. You do not need to sign up in advance. Call the library or visit our website […]
The regular monthly meeting of the Emmetsburg Public Library Board of Trustees, the governing board of the library. Please notify the library director by noon the day before the meeting […]
The Grace Baptist Church hosts a food pantry from 5:00-6:30 PM on the first and third Tuesday of every month, year-round. Drive up the ramp where the lights are on […]
2021 Main Street
PO Box 417
Emmetsburg, IA 50536