Emmetsburg Municipal Utilities intends to seek financial assistance from USDA, Rural Utilities Service (RUS) for the Water Treatment Facility Project. The proposed project includes construction of a reverse osmosis treatment building at the existing Water Treatment Facility (WTF) site, which will have a hallway connection to the existing WTF building; installation of a new Dakota Aquifer well and associated water mains; miscellaneous site improvements at the well site and WTF site including a new sanitary sewer connection, grading, and installation of new or upgraded electrical utilities; and all necessary connections and appurtenances. The project is located at 1501 State Street, Emmetsburg, IA. If implemented, the proposed project area of 7.62 acres will convert .63 acres of existing floodway into higher elevation. In accordance with Executive Order 11988, Floodplain Management and USDA Department of Regulation 9500-3, Land Use Policy, the purpose of this notice is to inform the public of this proposed conversion or effect and request comments concerning the proposal, alternative sites or actions that would avoid these impacts, and methods that could be used to minimize these impacts.

The environmental documentation regarding this proposal is available for review at Rural Housing Development Office located at 1301 6th Ave N, Suite 1, Humboldt, IA 50548 or Emmetsburg City Hall located at 2021 Main St., Emmetsburg, IA 50536. For questions, regarding this proposal, contact Cassie Marso at 515-368-6029.

Any person interested in commenting on this proposal should submit comments to the address above by February 14, 2025

Kimberly Kibbie
Utility Superintendent

Click here to view floodplain map of proposed site.